Year 5 Masterclass

February 1, 2015

For a number of years, the Cornelius Vermuyden School has offered a range of exciting and stimulating Master Classes aimed at giving Year 5 pupils an opportunity to experience learning in a range of subjects at a secondary school, as well as meeting pupils from other schools, developing thinking skills and trying something new.

The Master Classes are a 5 week course and are offered to pupils from all our Canvey Island partner schools and usually held in the Spring Term. Pupils are transported from their primary schools in coaches and are collected by parents at the end of each session. Places are limited and are offered on a first come, first served basis.

We encourage all parents to attend a rewards ceremony held on the fifth session, where the pupils present what they have learned.

If you would like to have more information about our Master Classes, please have a conversation with staff at your child's primary school or, alternatively, contact the school.

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