Year 11 Intervention

Mr Keenan
December 19, 2016

This half term, Year 11 students attended a staggering 394 hours of intervention across this half term - and that doesn’t even count the compulsory English and Maths sessions put on each Wednesday. This shows not only the dedication of pupils, but the commitment and energy of staff who gave up time to support our Year 11’s. My thanks to all those involved in the programme for this term.

51 pupils attended every single session offered across the half term, including a group of pupils who attended 100% in multiple subjects. Well done to all pupils who were committed to putting in the time to improving their grades.

To celebrate this achievement, a random prize draw was conducted for the 51 pupils on Friday 16th December 2016 in the final Year 11 assembly of the term. The prize was a £30.00 Cinema voucher, and the winner was Maisie Hilton.

Success is like an iceberg, as the image below shows.

It is important to remember that to achieve success and for it to be visible (the top of the berg), there is an awful lot that goes unseen to make the success look even more spectacular (the berg below the surface represents all the work that goes into achievement that we don’t often see but know makes a difference!).

So well done Year 11! 2017 is a huge year for you; so make sure, if you need to go to extra classes or complete extra work, then try to find that motivation to go even if you sometimes don’t want to. Every extra second of work is important! Can you attend more than 500 hours next half term?

Have a good Christmas and a Happy New Year,

Mr Keenan

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