Science Masterclass

Mr Keenan
January 17, 2018

The Cornelius Vermuyden Masterclasses kicked off in grand style on Wednesday 10th January, with Science being the first department to welcome our largest intake of local primary school pupils since the classes started. This year, the theme fot the classes is ‘discovery’ therefore it was fully apt that over fifty students were discovering the wonders of science in the school’s impressive Superlab.

Pupils engaged in a range of experiments and were encouraged to write up their theories and evidence based on the five science stations set up by the dedicated Science team. The students were welcomed on arrival by Year 10 pupils, who were brilliant at making our guests welcome. After refreshments, the students watched in awe as they watched our Head of Science, Mr O’ Shaughnessy, perform an exciting experiment on stage in the main hall (see picture). Pupils left in no doubt that Science is not just an amazing subject but to echo the Sir Issac Newton that adorns our walls near the Science department, that ‘no discovery was made without a bold guess’. The pupils were a credit to their schools and we look forward to welcoming more over the coming weeks for this set of Masterclasses.

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