The School Council

Carol Skewes - Headteacher
April 23, 2017

The School Council here at Cornelius Vermuyden School amalgamates both a traditional student council and House System to achieve an effective synergy. The council is designed thus:

Lower School chamber (Y7 and Y8) and Upper School chamber (Y9, Y10, and Y11) - each of the five Houses elects one School Councillor per Year Group and he/she sits in the chamber to represent the views of his/her House.

Present councillors include: K Willmont, A John, J Dodd, E Keen, C Balcombe, A Wilson, B Green, M Doran, D Martin, A Pigrome, N Leonard, A Lawrence, C Wilks, D Keys, M French, G Smith, E Banks, L Bristow, C Adams, E Holmes, N Wilkin, K Gowland, E Moles, H Castellana, D Knowland, and J Mackey.

The School Council is a democratic body charged with considering important matters within school but also taking a lead on initiatives such as fundraising for local charities.

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