Former Pupil Returns for Work Experience

Mr Keenan
March 2, 2017

Former pupil Grace Jenkins (far right) has returned to Cornelius Vermuyden School to complete a half term of work experience.

After being introduced to staff, her first day saw her support the community outreach work of the school, through helping with the organisation of the book swap stall for the Canvey Reads literacy project. Mr Knowland was grateful for Grace's help as members of the public came to our stall to swap books with the school.

Grace also helped out in Resistant Materials and will be returning each week to help out in French and Maths, as well as RM and English. It is yet great another example of former pupils wanting to ‘give a bit back' to the school; we are always happy to have former pupils come back and help our current crop of students. Students like Grace act as positive role models and help provide aspiration for our pupils.

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