Nadia Ounzain - Lead Practitioner, Science
February 19, 2018

On Thursday 8th February we were lucky enough to have a special visit from an officer in the British Army. He was here to inspire pupils to take an active part in STEM subjects and understand their importance in the British Army. STEM subjects consist of science, technology, engineering and maths and here at Cornelius Vermuyden we are passionate about promoting the importance of these subjects.

The army workshop was a hands-on, immersive experience which brought STEM subjects to life in a way that enthused and inspired our pupils. Thirty year 8 students were selected by the science department as a result of all their hard work and dedication shown in Science.

During the workshop they had they had to build their own robot to deliver medical supplies, building materials, and food to a disaster relief zone. This task allowed them to replicate some of the many different roles within the army. Not only did they physically have to build the robot they had to design a computer programme to control the robot’s movements. The room was tense as each team was testing their programme to see whether it was successful. After a lot of head scratching and tinkering (official army terms) the students cracked it. It was a huge success; the students had missions they needed to complete. Each mission involved a series of tasks that their robot needed to carry out via remote Bluetooth control. They had giant floor maps that needed navigating in order to replicate real life situations.

Overall a fantastic day was had by all. One student said “I can’t believe what amazing work the army do, I thought it was all about war. I didn’t realise how much they help people when disasters strike.” Another student said “I had so much fun today I can’t wait to be older and build my own robot, it has inspired me to think about being an engineer.”

Well done to all of our amazing year 8 scientists.

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