The MFL Department is committed to broadening pupils' understanding of the world and developing strong, long-life linguistic skills. Along with learning new topics, reinforcing knowledge every lesson is an essential aspect of learning a language: we give pupils plenty of opportunity to practice and therefore remember key vocabulary. This is the first step towards becoming independent as a language learner and therefore creative with the target language. Through strict adherence to the principles of outstanding teaching and learning set out in the Teaching and Learning policy, we ensure our staff have the tools to deliver high quality MFL lessons which are engaging and allow ALL pupils of a modern language to make progress.

The department endeavours to make learning languages fun and meaningful, providing pupils with many opportunities for collaboration and independent work. We are committed to marking pupils' books fortnightly and providing effective feedback through the use of annotation and comments. Pupils will be allocated time within lessons or for homework to respond to the comments in order to improve their work. With skilled linguists in the department, we are committed to encourage pupils to use the target language with each other in pair or group work and to ensure that pupils are hearing authentic language each time they are in the MFL classroom. Within the MFL classroom we consistently emphasise that it is okay to make mistakes. We believe where pupils learn is in deciding how they move on from these errors. This open environment allows pupils to grow in confidence and not worry about speaking out in front of their peers, and to enjoy broadening their cultural references and incultural understanding.

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