At key stage 3 the department works with year 8 one hour a week looking at the following ICT based curriculum subjects:

  • E-Safety – following the CEOP scheme covering the best way student can stay safe using the internet.
  • Spreadsheets – using these to create useful data charts and graphs with simple functions and formulae.
  • App inventor – Online software to enable students to create, and manage their own mobile phone application.
  • Scratch Programming – Creation of as simple Pac man style game that develops logical thinking and programming skills.
  • Web Design – student use a mixture of both coding and software to design a website about themselves.

At Key Stage 4 if chosen as an option students will follow the Edexcel examination board GCSE ICT course, this covers the following:

Classes are mixed ability based on option block choices and all assessment is finalised at the end of the three year course.

In Year 9, students start to study the theory topics of 'Let's communicate', 'On the move', 'Entertain me - what to buy', 'Smart working', 'Shopping experience!' and 'Health and well-being'.

In Year 10, the Controlled Assessment takes place with assessment of gathering information, developing digital products and spreadsheet modelling. In recent years, the themes have been based around planning and organising a charity event or an animal shelter.

In Year 11, students continue to finish coursework and complete study of the theory topics of 'Let's communicate', 'On the move', 'Entertain me - what to buy', 'Smart working', 'Shopping experience!' and 'Health and well-being'.

The full GCSE ICT is assessed as follows:

Unit 1: Written examination (Living in a digital world) worth 40%

Unit 2: Controlled assessment (Using digital tools) worth 60%.

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